
NathanH, MarcinP, JamesS

Discussed PRs:

  • Tilde expansion on windows 5431

  • WebAssembly 5571 - close with comment - issue of maintainability

  • Themes for docs 5487 - lots of tech debt; e.g. generating css in sclang would be better

  • UDP socket #5747

  • Clang-format in docker: Discussion on upgrading clang-format-8 to a newer version

  • create duplicated window only on forceCreate 5549

Discussion on automated updates to the changelog

  • Look at other projects

  • reference: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/

  • Important information needs to go on top

  • Consideration against changing PR titles for use in the changelog - will be inconsistent with commit messages

  • Maybe the person merging the PR is to be responsible of updating the changelog on the wiki