
Members present: Patrick, Brian, Nathan, Geoffrey M

Codebase reformatting:

  • Brian wants to do this tonight/tomorrow

  • Plan: merge Ableton Link PR before doing this (needs quick re-test of Brian’s branch)

Date improvements PR (3259):

  • discussed potential impact of changes

  • decided to discuss on dev list

Patrick opened several PRs to improve sclang unit tests (4342-4346)

Float->String behavior:

  • NaN gets printed as “nan” or “-nan” right now, this makes it hard to get a compile-string from it.

  • discussed a few ways of fixing this (“Float.nan”, “(0/0)”)

Discussed post-survey thoughts and thoughts for next survey

Discussed Nathan’s proposal about sc3-plugins

Nathan plans to contribute more effort to project tutorials/documentation

Patrick plans to contribute small bug fixes and updates to unit tests