
Members present: Brian, Geoffroy, Patrick, Nathan

  • Send out reminder for survey in one week, close in two weeks. Sent out a reminder email only to sc-dev, inviting SC educators to pass it on to students.

  • Possible doc-a-thon for fleshing out Learn SC

  • With the Menu memory leak in sclang, 3.10.2 needs to get out ASAP. Once MainMenu is fixed, release 3.10.2-rc1 TODAY, and 3.10.2 in a few days.

  • Also sc3-plugins 3.10.1…

  • Nathan has been working on automated tarball uploads

  • Patrick brought up really bad CPU usage of PartConv even on moderate audio files (5 seconds), + poorly written API and missed opportunity for zero-latency partitioned convolution

  • No current plans to merge VST plugin support into core – current state as a 3rd party plugin seems pretty OK

  • Ableton Link support is stalled and deprioritized for 3.11