
Members present: Nathan, Brian, and Patrick

  • 3.9 release went well – downloaded over 1000 times.

  • 3.9.1 has 14 closed pull requests, which is plenty enough for a patch release. Although we are not in any rush, we could easily release well ahead of the scheduled date of January 31st.

  • Brian has been working on AppVeyor integration, monitoring LiveCode Slack for new issues.

  • Unit tests are not written consistently due to lack of documentation.

  • Unit & integration tests for UGens can be written in C++ using Boost.

  • Various ways the appearance and usability of the IDE could be improved:

    • For 3.9.1, let’s just make auto-indent optional instead of fixing it entirely. Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to test changes to auto-indent.

    • Embedding volume meter and other basic controls.

    • Difficulties making SCIDE look attractive on arbitrary native themes, and the possibility of

    • Replacing the default light theme entirely.

    • Making the Documents docklet match the theme for visual consistency.

    • Making the Documents docklet match the theme for visual consistency (much more difficult!).

    • Licensing of themes.

  • SCDoc regressions

  • FreqScope improvements – afterimage, antialiasing

  • SuperCollider installation on Raspberry Pi is absurd, involving manually moving files

  • Debian packaging has mostly hit a wall :(

  • Adam’s Guard configuration PR can go into 3.9

  • Release signing

  • Travis is back in order