
Members present: Brian, James S, Marcin

Update from James:

  • looked into Unity builds to decrease build times; we might be already doing it partially; CMake needs work

    • Brian: if we are doing unity builds, we are doing that for yaml.cpp only (?)

    • supposedly it used to work, but it stopped and was disabled

Moved to discussion on the need to fix/largely rewrite CMake

Back to Unity builds:

  • Brian: probably not much improvement for Linux and macOS since we already use Ccache

  • James: could improve time for Qt components

  • discussion on one definition rule; Brian thinks it might not be a problem

Back to discussion on CMake improvements

Marcin suggests to create a wiki page documenting current CMake architecture


  • “dependency inversion”

  • Install stuff

Brian suggest the following order of fixing things:

  • solve Mac installation - “dependency inversion”

  • minor cleanup to make sure we don’t find libraries multiple times

  • redoing installation code

  • possibly add CPack packaging

Discussion on rewrite CMake - probably wait until 3.12 release

Marcin mentions issues with microphone permissions on Mac which might need to be addressed before 3.12, to be tested

Brian’s update

  • wants to focus on particular aspects of the project, e.g. scripting for releases

  • if there’s interest, let’s restart group PR review meetings

Discussion on old PRs and stalled PRs; Finding out who has open PRs and which PRs wait for who

We need to stress that PRs need to be easier to review - e.g. have clear examples.

Plans for the release, see https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/milestone/23

  • Brian is working on Bela support PR, should be merge-able soon/this week

  • (Adding boost program options to the milestones)

  • Then Brian plans to work on the release script Tentative date for the release: May 1st, 2021, with hope that it could happen earlier

Marcin mentions issues with Big Sur and proposes to create an interim build for Big Sur once all the problems are solved

Marcin’s updates on GitHub Actions (GHA)

  • testsuite: open PR, issues with qpm,

  • S3 upload: waiting for credentials - Brian said we can use theirs

  • Windows builds - for later

  • GHA for sc3-plugins - Brian tentatively wants to tackle that

For next meeting:

  • discuss “use priority labels” https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/5248

  • possibly improve versioning

Possible features for 3.13:

  • web assembly

  • CMake rewrite

  • cleanup compiler warnings (James has a WIP branch)