
Members Present: Geoffroy Montel, James Surgenor, Marcin Paczkowski, Nathan Ho, Patrick Dupuis, Tejaswi Prakash


  • Geoffroy is still working on the Cmd+Q bug on macOS.

  • Patrick tested out the WebEngine PR on both his laptop and RPi, made a pull request #4488 (fixing an error in HelpBrowser.instance in sclang), and updated #4473 (Linux README).

  • Marcin is working on the feedback that Brian gave him on the PortAudio device selection PR.

  • James hasn’t done anything but hopes to help with Marcin’s work this week.

  • Nathan worked on moving the project docs to the wiki.

We discussed the maintenance status of sc3-plugins.

Nathan suggested the idea of a “backlog board” containing a list of issues of interest, ordered by priority, which is regularly cleaned up.