Members Present: Geoffroy Montel, James Surgenor, Marcin Paczkowski, Nathan Ho, Patrick Dupuis, Tejaswi Prakash
Geoffroy is still working on the Cmd+Q bug on macOS.
Patrick tested out the WebEngine PR on both his laptop and RPi, made a pull request #4488 (fixing an error in HelpBrowser.instance in sclang), and updated #4473 (Linux README).
Marcin is working on the feedback that Brian gave him on the PortAudio device selection PR.
James hasn’t done anything but hopes to help with Marcin’s work this week.
Nathan worked on moving the project docs to the wiki.
We discussed the maintenance status of sc3-plugins.
Nathan suggested the idea of a “backlog board” containing a list of issues of interest, ordered by priority, which is regularly cleaned up.