
Members Present:

Nathan, Brian, Patrick

Discussion Topics:

  • 3.10.2

    • almost ready to release, just need to merge Brian’s PR

    • plan: do rc ASAP, release 3.10.2 on Friday if no major issues

      • in the past, rcs have been useful, for example for 3.10.1 we got 3 issues in the first few days

  • 3.10.3 release date set for 2 weeks after 3.10.2

  • talked about organizing project documentation

    • how to balance things between wiki & CONTRIBUTING.md/DEVELOPING.md?

  • Nathan: seems like SC doesn’t use heavy vectorization for UGens with MSVC

    • because nova-simd doesn’t make the correct check under MSVC

  • survey: send out another reminder today, close survey in a week

    • publish a report & aggregated results at the same time (ideally, at most a week after close)

  • git workflow: how to manage PRs where original author doesn’t have much time to make changes

    • everyone is more or less in favor of helping each other out

  • 25th-anniversary edition of SuperCollider should be released as a limited edition CD box set