
Present: Brian, Nathan, Lucas, Edmond, Patrick

  • Brian: GitHub edit link with Cian, distance-based amplitude panning (DBAP) UGen

  • Nathan: Linux packaging, Debian packaging

  • Patrick: working on help system soon

  • Lucas: introduced himself, interested in contributing when possible

  • Edmond: introduced himself, interested in contributing C++

Discussion Topics

Multi-client ID PR:

  • still failing on Travis because of test integration issues

  • either fix test integration or disable tests temporarily

New UGens:

  • Nathan wants to work on more UGens after 3.9 release


  • Brian wants to work on documentation for new contributors and cleanup/organizational work for the codebase

main SC site:

  • Needs love

  • Feature more projects

  • Update text

Moving out Emacs submodule:

  • Open issue (https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/3066)

  • Will wait until post-3.9 and ask on dev list

Thanks to all who attended! The next meeting has been set for September 30, 2017, at 16:00 UTC (12p EST) at https://appear.in/sc-dev-meeting .