
Members present: James S, Marcin

Free-form discussion. Topics:

  • Update on running tests on GH Actions

    • Marcin made some progress, but it still doesn’t work

  • Marcin built SC natively on an M1 MBP

    • homebrew provides Qt 5.15.2, but without qtwebengine

    • there were issues with (self)-signing - the build did not start, everyneed needed to be re-signed

    • performance seems quite good (non-scientifically measured)

    • James and Marcin wondered whether we use all ARM optimizaions; nova-simd library seems to include NEON instructions

  • discussion on QtWebEngine

    • still not available in Qt6

    • ideas for having help system without web engine, e.g. by using rich text in Qt text view

  • ideas about version numbers for non-tagged builds

    • proposition: name current pre-release 3.12.0-pre (or similar)

    • proposition: name future pre-release 3.13.0-pre (from develop branch, with the caveat that 3.13 release might not include all changes)

    • discussion on version numbers vs short sha (e.g. 3.12.0-pre-1454 vs 3.12.0-pro-1c002dd)

  • James proposes using Unity Builds to speed up build process