
Marcin, Josh, Christof, James S, Nathan, Keithton

3.12.2 - released!

initial topics to discuss:

  • 3.13

  • Qt 6

  • Rework cmake

Marcin - supports trying to support Qt 5 and 6 for some time

James S - Qt 6 project board: https://github.com/jrsurge/supercollider/projects/2

  • move to 5.15.2 first

  • turn 5.15 errors (from deprecations)

  • then moving to 6

How best to support the older systems (back to 5.13, maybe back to 5.9?)

Maybe make a request for others to help? Scott C?

Alternative to Qt: NGui? https://www.tasharen.com/?page_id=140 Nanogui https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/nanogui imgui https://github.com/ocornut/imgui sciter https://sciter.com/ QML and QtQuick ?

Other languages as front ends?

  • timing and garbage collection

Synthdef optimization on the server! (Nathan)

C API for whatever is made later - lack of ability to extend the language with plugins is a pain point

Reviews for supernova

Review of modular class library proposal - https://hadron-sclang.org/articles/2021-12-21-Modular-Class-Library-Proposal/