
Present: Gianluca E, Brian H, Marcin P, Hanns H

3.11.2 release

  • on schedule for release

  • one small build system issue and one crash reported on macOS 10.12 (#5229), found fixes for both

  • will do a release if that one issue is fixed

3.12 release

  • decided we want to include #5110 (clip hardware output on macOS)

  • may move to C++17 for this release to prepare for porting to Qt 6


  • Hanns discussed recent talk about porting SC, at least scsynth, to the webassembly toolchain

  • Discussed possible porting issues – threading, exceptions, etc.

  • At this point, doesn’t look like anyone else can help out, but we also aren’t in a rush to implement this

Discussed using labels and milestones to help organize issues

  • Brian proposed using a couple labels for priority level to organize open issues

  • Discussed how to agree on priority levels and how to go about adopting labeling as a team

    • Would want multiple people to label, and discuss to agree on how to assign priority beforehand

Discussed informal group code review sessions

  • Brian H, James S, Gianluca E, Marcin P have met twice to review PRs as a group, to get experience reviewing and learn from each other

  • Want to ask more people to join - will announce more widely for the next time