
Members Present:

Brian, Julian, Patrick, Scott C.

Recent work:

  • Brian: primitive-defining macro for cleaning up sclang

  • Julian: neurological SC, project with Dutch CS/math prof; ideas about having extra sclang processes in background; small PRs

  • Patrick: testing HOAUGens PR, Issue 3396 (Help browser navigation)

  • Scott: cleanup on Qt WebEngine PR, Atk-related HOA, generic primitive wrapper (to bind to Boost.Math headers), calling native C functions from sclang using dyncall (proof-of-concept)

Discussion Topics:

  • Issue 3396

    • Scott thinks this is a Qt problem and may not be under our control

  • Julian: could we unify the code editor and help browser?

    • Scott: would take a lot of rebuilding; possible as a big project; could make a rich-text webview using existing open-source editors

  • Scott C’s PR to update the help browser to QtWebEngine

    • Allows us to move to newer versions of Qt

    • Also fixes HiDPI-related issues

    • Qt Menu addition would ideally be merged not long after

  • Qt Menu idea - could make it easier to add system menu items for the IDE from sclang

  • Julian: would like to add more examples to Help system

    • Scott: been doing overview-type work, have examples for WebView

  • Making it easier to submit bugs/changes from the Help Browser

  • CMake: update to 3.x because of Ableton Link PR

    • Scott: use CMake 3.9.4 (what we have on Travis)

    • Make sure smiarx gets credit

    • Patrick: maybe 3.5 (Ubuntu) or 3.7 (Debian)

    • Scott: be transparent about what we use on Travis

  • Scott: create a “template” for repos to easily make your own repo w/ auto-released binaries

    • Make easy alternatives if we’re going to say no

  • Do a better job of announcing/promoting 3.10 and its improvements

    • Get links to Eli Fieldsteel’s tutorials

    • Get links to the DX7 project

    • Show how to link to other DAWs