
Present: Patrick D, Brian H, Marcin P, Gianluca E

  • What are people up to lately?

    • Brian: helping Marcin with jack2/jackOSX

    • Gianluca: Bela bug fix

    • Marcin: investigating Jack backend on macOS

    • Patrick: not much SC work lately

  • Discussed new jack2 release for macOS (replacing JackOSX)

  • 3.11.2 release

    • overall on track

    • need to fix portaudio/cmake issue (#5176)

    • need to make cherry pick PRs

    • discussed #5188 - does not need to be fixed for 3.11.2

    • discussed #4883 - Brian will review soon

    • still planning for release date in October or November

    • discussed #5110 - agreed better for 3.12

  • 3.12.0 release

    • planning to release before the end of the year

    • already have enough to do a release

    • #5081 is a nice-to-have

    • maybe Bela support if it starts moving forward soon

  • pair/group code review sessions

    • informal group call to review PRs together

    • did first one last week with Brian, Gianluca, James S

    • should have someone else besides Brian “driving” next time (next weekend probably)

    • send out an announce/invite to more channels if the next one goes well

  • big list/board/prioritization

    • want to have some way to organize top-level issues/projects/concerns

    • where to put it?

      • Discourse vs Github projects vs Github wikis vs other places?

    • milestones? make it easier to see what goes into what release

    • hard to use tools GitHub gives us to manage project easily

    • look into bots for automation? / external integration

    • maybe even a new GitHub repo for “meta-issues” / organization?

    • agreed to dump into a wiki page for now and see how that works out

  • Bela

    • discussed merge of Bela into SC and the difficulties involved – everyone wants it, just takes some time

    • Gianluca and Patrick offered to help with the merge & testing

    • CI job is probably possible since it can be cross-compiled

  • help browser

    • Marcin suggested it might be possible to avoid using QtWebEngine for the help browser by using a text view instead

    • discussed some possible implementation issues