
3.10.4 Release board: https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/projects/17

Attending - Patrick, Josh, Marcin, James S, Iannis

3.10.4 - 3132 - Patrick - quarks package manager to run tests - JSON in root or repo to run tests by QPM, right now those scripts pull those quarks into the tests. JSON lets you skip tests 1st step - not install common test quark, and just make JSON to include all tests that currently are installed. All server boot needed tests can be skipped. Make a lists of tests that we want to run in Travis - might be a good first step for now. Figure out how to run tests that do boot the server for the future. Maybe in Docker? Branch and have Travis build the branch

4214 - new comment, but there are a couple separate things for that. James has been busy with his Ph.D. (submitted on the 18th!). Hasn’t had time otherwise. Will look this week. Group policy settings may have an effect, but there is a specific one that seems to be a good test. Command line is a known issue - readline prevents proper usage.

4368 - Geoffrey - windows tickets not working. Maybe related to 4214? James has gut feeling that they may be.

4278 - Josh needs to test and we can pull this in.

4533 - Need Brian to sign off on linting change. If Brian can’t., Josh will nudge it.

4363 - Follow up with Brian and Nathan.

Signed SC maybe? Notarization may not work with sc3-plugins. Windows may have an issue with this as well? James S - maybe Steinberg can help - they’ve had similar issues. Is it viable for external plugins to have them by default?

Iannis and Josh to talk more about Server and Multi-Server classes

Josh to write up multi-server approach

Jack and Linux issues

Add https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/pull/4599 to 3.10.4? Josh and Brian (Josh volunteered Brian) to also look at this.

⚠ If you have any comments on topics in these meeting minutes, please start a new thread rather than replying to this one. ⚠


Members Present: James Surgenor, Nathan Ho, Brian H, Patrick D, Josh P, Marcin P, Tejaswi Prakash

These notes were not taken at the meeting - apologies - but I believe this is a good summary (Josh P)

  • RFC proposal will be finalized for next week’s meeting (as a goal)

  • Reviewed 3.10.4 release board

  • Discussed possible release dates. We want to hear back from a couple people assigned to tasks at the next dev meeting then decide. But we’re targeting 10-15 for a beta.

  • Items on board are the ones we want to attempt to get in (we see this as our goal for a release). Other PRs / issues can be included as we see fit.

  • Discussion about possibly pulling plugins out of sc3-plugins for self-hosted solutions. Brian will do some cleanup on cookie-cutter, and a couple people will look into pulling their plugins out to encourage others to do so (Josh and ???)

*** NOTES were written very much after the fact … others mostly agreed with this summary. If anyone else was on the call and has additions or suggestions, please let us know ***


Members Present: Iannis Zannos, James Surgenor, Nathan Ho, Tejaswi Prakash

Slow week, no real updates on the release. Only change is that Nathan put the wrong pull request on the board: meant to put https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/pull/4510 (Plotter horizontal resize bug) rather than https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/pull/4511 (Plotter default colors). He has rectified this error.

Iannis is interested in reworking the server boot logic (https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/3286) and clarifying some of the finer points of the server initialization process (e.g. creation of default group, loading synthdefs, etc).