
  • Brian Heim and Nathan Ho worked on sclang LPC tests

  • Nathan Ho also made (marginal) progress on UGen regression tests

  • Patrick Dupuis investigated openbuildservice.org and HID on Fedora


  • Plan for merging LPC test suite: get it to run, see if it catches changes to sclang, quick review, merge

  • openbuildservice.org, while good, is not a useful service for the SC dev team since it creates a PPA/third party repository.

  • Performance on MacBook Pro 2016

  • Brian is pushing the Boost updates because it works towards fixing the Windows helpfile problem

  • Find people and get support for the SC_SCLANG flag: https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/pull/1939

  • Mixed feelings on single quotes in variable names: https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/2773

  • Backing up SC: https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/2776

  • Rational numbers implementation: put off until 3.10?

  • Push release date back to May 1

  • sclang verbosity proposal is not a requirement for 3.9, but it’s important

  • Brian and I share an opinion on the state of SC development right now: we’re overloaded with work, and the lists of issues and PRs often feel like a huge wall of noise. We’ve been cutting down on multitasking and trying to focus on what’s important, and have felt increasingly nonchalant about proposals for new features.