
Members present: Brian, Nathan, Patrick, Scott Carver

Recent work:

  • Nathan wrote NHHall UGen -> sc3-plugins, wrote a spec for antialiasing UGens

  • Scott has been working with pattern library and thinking about improving consistency w/ multichannel expansion

  • Patrick has submitted some small and helpful PRs

  • Brian has reviewed some PRs and has ported SerialPort to Windows


  • Denormals - we want them to be always flushed, but it sounds like on ARM (and sometimes on x86) they aren’t (reported by Nathan)

  • HOAUGens - Patrick will help move this PR through

    • need to remove the units that don’t build on other platforms

  • Scott has been working with ATK members on their HOA generators - may be a better HOA implementation for SC project


  • Target goals: Qt update, Qt Menu support, SerialPort port, UnitTest/Quarks issue, LinkClock

  • Release mode when?: will revisit soon


  • discussed possibility. Nathan is unconvinced of the need for this, will possibly revisit.


  • recent popularity bump. Should work on improving tutorials

  • interest in SC on embedded devices may be ramping up

  • consider focusing on improving RPi-SC experience for 3.11 (in the same way 3.9/3.10 were about improving Windows experience)


  • Brian has an “edit this doc on GitHub” button

Bela: Bela has a remedy (not a complete fix) for this nasty issue when building without Qt: https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/2144. This is a pretty bad issue especially as SC finds use in embedded systems like the Norns. Maybe the Bela team’s patch should be merged in?

Another important performance issue for embedded SC: https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/3524

Scott offered to reach out to the Monome, TidalCycles, and Sonic Pi teams via email and improve communication with big commercial and open-source projects.

Pushed 3.10 milestone due date to June 30th