
Tom (@vivid-synth), Brian (@brianlheim), Rainer (@bagong) were present.

Recent work:

  • Tom has been investigating UGen stability, and reports that Select is a prime example of a highly stable UGen

  • Brian has been working on a refactor of the Document class

  • Rainer has been working on the SC_SCLANG/MACOS_FHS build options


  • Full Windows support: obstacles are readline+Visual Studio (and the suggested alternative linenoise-ng), and the ongoing filesystem bug

  • A possible structure for the new Document (and possibly IDE) classes - no decision reached

  • Meeting frequency and format - we agreed that it might be a good idea to try to have once-a-month meetings as a larger group, and that the other weekly meetings could be smaller status updates. We’d also like to choose meeting topics ahead of time so that people with relevant experience will be more likely to participate.