
Members Present: Josh Parmenter, Brian Heim, Nathan Ho, Patrick Dupuis

Josh, Brain, Nathan, Patrick

Brain is watching cool movies

And building laptops

Nathan is giving out Linux audio advice

TODO: announce RC2 3.10.4 should be about ready to go

3.11 release! Check status on the mail list with James H - can we do 3.11 soonish? OR - should we be thinking about a 3.10.5 release. Ask about 3.11 / Ableton readiness on mail list If not - 3.10.5 may be a better route (Patrick)

Discussion of release management and documentation. Nathan to fill in some gaps and help start a document for responsibilities.

Had a question about package.sh in distribution

Document minimum required version of OS X - 10.12? (Because of Qt 5.13) - should be noted in the release.

Discussion of QPM debugging with Patrick

Discussion of shell scripting problems with QPM and environment variables

2020 - year of SC website?