
What we worked on:

  • Tom Murphy worked on benchmarking TCP/UDP, and on the new PlayBuf proposal.

  • Brian Heim read PyrObject and PyrLexer classes and filed a number of sclang PRs.

  • Nathan Ho mostly worked on help files.

  • I couldn’t hear Julian Rohrhuber very well, but I know he worked on various (mostly classlib) tasks.


  • Brian discussed parser changes, e.g. “var” statements after other statements.

  • Julian discussed how difficult it is to trust the “_” notation.

  • Julian’s server refactor isn’t quite complete – server crashes aren’t completely graceful, but still better than before.

  • Problems with class library standardization. Example would be the various problems with the Rest system.

  • Brian is concerned that the huge backlog of issues and PRs is overwhelming. We could be more aggressive closing old issues and PRs, and also be less shy asking people to finish things up.

  • Fredrik Olafsson suggested using larger SynthDefs containing collections of UGens in addition to pinning tests that target single UGens.

  • Julian talked about using mocking/stubbing in class library tests.

  • Tom brought up issue #1209, a small mistake in the class library that blocks headless systems.

  • We should go through all the UGens and assign a confidence rating to each one.

  • Nathan started a draft of a comprehensive guide on how to record in SC.

  • Ways to improve our git workflow:

    • Consider a stable master with develop branch

    • Codify rules about when to merge things.

    • Only approve a PR if you’ve read the code and tested it, and say what you did in the approval message.

    • If you don’t understand a PR, don’t be shy about prodding for an explanation.

  • The dev team should specialize formally – put up a list of major components of SuperCollider and who is assigned to what.

  • Created two GitHub projects, respectively compiling the most important issues for 3.9 and listing the long-term projects in SC: https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/projects/1, https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/projects/2