
Members present: Brian, Marcin, Gianluca, Tejaswi


  • making good progress toward release

  • Brian planning to work on moving C++11 to 17

  • Gianluca planning to work on Bela support

  • Marcin moved us to GitHub Actions

  • Gianluca working on macOS clipping in supernova - Brian will create ticket

Marcin gave a status update on GHA (GitHub Actions)

  • building works

  • not yet running test suite

  • not yet pushing to S3

discussed dropping boost sync

  • Brian thinks this might be better long term since sync seems to be causing trouble during the last few releases

  • decided to open ticket to discuss further

discussed https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/5282

  • discussed compatibility and quarks

decided to postpone 3.12 release indefinitely since Josh and Brian don’t have much time for SC in the next while