
5 people were present: Brian, Alberto, Nathan, Julian, and Patrick.

  • Brian Heim has been working on his big UTF-8 pull request which fixes the Windows help file issue.

  • Alberto de Campo has a topic branch for multiclients to improve node and buffer allocation, and has a PR for OSX standalones.

  • Nathan Ho has been working on UGen regression tests, and small help files and class library issues.

  • Julian Rohrhuber worked on File.read* methods, Rest/Operand reform, and a quark for a Neutral object that records every message sent to it.

  • Patrick Dupuis has been investigating the Ubuntu keyboard shortcut issue and has been working on help file, class library, and Linux-related issues.


  • Old standalone instructions are gone.

  • A PR can be merged when it presents an improvement and doesn’t introduce new bugs.

  • 3.9.x releases and eventual adoption of git-flow

  • SCDoc, barriers for new helpfile contributors, features we can add to the help files to make it easier to contribute

  • Number of PRs open, speed of merge, filing PRs with incomplete work