
Dev meeting notes

JamesS, NathanH, MarcinP, JoshP, PatrickD

James talks about possibly moving to a single branch linear workflow

Less bugix releases, more minor releases

Semi-linear workflow vs 2 branches

With linear workflow and getting rid of main branch we’d just tag releases; but we need to check with community particularly linux packagers

Josh: proposing more frequent minor releases, regardless of whether/which option we go for

We should ask for opinions on the changes

scsynth/email list/ slack - ask for feedback: James and Josh will look into it

Discussion on milestone PRs

Patrick will look into UnitTest

Josh will look into midi out PR

Marcin and Josh will meet to work on supernova clipping values

James will look into ableist language issue (see https://alexjs.com/)

Proposed short release meeting next Sunday (May 23) (edited)