
Members present: James S, Joshua Parmenter, patrick, brian, Marcin, elgiano

macOS11 problems (Joshua Parmenter):

  1. example:

SynthDef(\test, { Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.2)); }).add // works 
s.sendBundle(nil, [\s_new, \test, 1000, 0, 1] ) // doesn't ever schedule 
s.sendBundle(0, [\s_new, \test, 1001, 0, 1] )

most probably a problem with endiannes with ntohl.JP is working on it

  1. Qt problems. Waiting for next Qt release for macOS (Qt currently needs to be built from source to target macOS 11).

  2. Binary download don’t work on macOS 11. Compiling from source works. Need to announce this. JP is announcing on sc-users.

  3. We need both x86 + arm releases (two separate builds) when we start to support macOS 11.

macOS CI error (Marcin)

  • errors during testing. Seems related to no graphics env available → web engine failing.

  • CI is blocked for macOS until this is fixed. Marcin is on it.

  • Possible temporary workaround: disable tests.

3.11.2 / 3.12.0

  • discussed in Issue #5146:

  • Planning 3.11.2 for October. 3.12 right after:

  • macOS 11 support if possible by then, but not if it would delay the release.

  • macOS server-side volume clipping ?

Would there be a possibility than upgrading Qt could drop an older system we currently support?

  • If it happens we could include a pre-processor switch in a patch release. (add a new build job to do that)

Talking and reading about the future of Qt.

James S: Qt 6 is not advertising breaking changes, but won’t work without C++17.

  • Setup a Qt 6 working group, or issue, to keep track of it.

  • Require C++17 (open ticket for C++17 in sc as well)

  • Setup a C++17 working group, or issue.

Does C++17 allow new features for sclang?

  • Not out of the box

  • drop a lot of boost support?

  • lock/mutexes in supernova

Maybe a C++17 ticket on github is enough? Let’s start with that.

Websockets (patrick)

(see RFC #9 for previous discussion points)

with or without Qt?

  • without Qt would be better for headless builds

  • better to avoid another dependency

Qt’s websockets are split from webengine and GUIs. So Qt could be viable for headless.

Commit notation (James S)

Conventional commits: standardized way of writing commit messages

  • machine and human readable

  • based on semantic versioning

  • tooling to automatic generate a changelog

  • might be asking too much to a community project

  • but it could be done by maintainers when PRs are merged

  • even if not 100% strict, would alleviate changelog-writing pain