
Members present: Patrick D, Brian H, james S, Marcin P, Gianluca E, Luis L, Clifford (Cliff) D, Tejaswi P

Intros for new joiners (Cliff, Luis)

Luis discussed his Pulsaudio RFC:

  • adding PulseAudio as a build time option

  • Jack will stay as the default

  • new option for systems where getting Jack may be difficult

  • PR is open against SC

  • goal to help less technically savvy users, incl. with platforms like SonicPi that use SC internally

Discussed use of RtAudio library in PR Discussed possibility of using RtAudio for other backends Discussed possibility of using another library besides RtAudio Discussed device selection

Brian gave an update on the 3.11.1 release:

  • Ready to go, currently waiting on Josh

Brian suggested using Jitsi (meet.jit.si) for future calls

  • Most people agreed it would be desirable

  • James said we should check to make sure it’s not blocked anywhere contributors may live

  • Agreed to try the next meeting on meet.jit.si, further details TBD

Discussed what (if anything) currently keeps people from contributing:

  • several people said they have a hard time keeping track of what’s going on in active development

  • several people indicated they would like more shared priorities as a project, or to be assigned issues/PRs

  • navigating the Wiki to access new contributor info is hard

  • PRs are hard to review because they don’t stay contained/branch into other topics

Patrick brought up some PRs:

  • https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/pull/5078 - merged, will cherry-pick

  • https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/pull/4939 - needs new review

  • https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/pull/4990 - needs review, Brian assigned self

James brought up PR 5015, asked if it might solve the same issue as his PR 4646 and therefore could try reverting 4646.

  • Brian said it might, give it a try

Gianluca brought up a thread on scsynth.org about audio clipping on macOS, agreed we should try to tackle this for 3.12.

Marcin asked for attention on https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/pull/4852.