
People present: Nathan H, Brian H, Patrick D, Geoffrey M, James S, Gianluca E, Josh P

Welcoming Gianluca!

What people are up to

  • Geoffrey: looking at autoindent in IDE, waiting for review on #4797

  • James: reviews, working on implementing spelling correction suggestions in sclang parser

  • Nathan: working on other projects

  • Patrick: refactoring TestBuffer to break out server-requiring tests

  • Josh: managing releases

  • Brian: reviewing, beginning to implement RFC #1


  • discussed Brian’s cherry-pick PR

  • need to merge in scel update for support on ubuntu

  • decided to postpone outstanding issues (#4544, #4826)

  • decided to release ASAP


  • discussed merging Scott C’s PR and doing a release

  • Josh P said he thinks we should merge it and include in 3.11, general agreement

Other PRs and issues

  • Patrick asked about best practice quitting servers in unit testing