
Members present: Brian H, Marcin P, Luke N, James S, Patrick D, Gianluca E, Tejaswi P, Josh P, Geoffrey M, Julian R

Release status

  • Josh P has had some reports of unsigned sc3-plugins not working with 3.11 on macOS 10.15

    • hasn’t been able to reproduce. thinks that everything is in order, but not sure.

    • Marcin offered to test

Release process scripting

  • Brian brought up the idea of automating / scripting the release process

    • James S, Josh P, Brian H, Marcin P decided to form a working group for this

vcpkg - https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/4928

  • James S has used it before and offered some advice

    • one issue is that packages need to be built from source, not a good way to provide Qt

    • generally positive impression

  • Marcin P tried it, ran into an issue with powershell

    • for portaudio, issue with asio sdk

  • James S mentioned asio sdk is in vcpkg, and seems like it provides CMake integration

  • Brian noted ExternalProject in CMake is also an option for managing external dependencies

  • Luke N and Marcin P said vcpkg support for CI first might be a good way to test it out, and then recommend it if it works

    • James S said he would look into that

portaudio vendoring - https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/4928

  • Marcin P did work to shift over to fresh, non-sc-org portaudio

  • Brian suggested using ExternalProject in CMake to get around

  • Discussed tradeoffs of vcpkg vs ExternalProject

  • Decided to do more research and revisit

issue management - https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/4940

  • Josh P wants to reset everything and start from scratch

  • Luke N also likes this idea, but said we need to have a policy to avoid it happening again

  • Josh P said most projects don’t actually run as long as SC. issue trackers work good for shorter term projects, but maybe not for this duration

    • fresh start could give some focus

  • James S explained his ideas regarding stale issues and automation

  • Julian R said a bot would add a kind of neutrality/fairness to it, but is concerned that closing issues will hide valuable information

  • James S suggested updating issue template or other obvious place to note that you may want to search closed issues

  • Everyone agreed messaging around closing issues is important

  • Discussed a gradual approach to transitioning between current process and more controlled approach

  • There was a proposition to have a two-step approach where a bot would comment every issue that’s been stalled for more than X months, which would explain the triage process. Then, after some other time to be determined, the issue would be closed

  • Someone proposed to start with proposition some texts for these messages.

Other topics and PRs:

  • Patrick raised TGrains PR in sc3-plugins

  • Patrick asked about https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/pull/4939 going into 3.11.1 – definitely can but some issues with merge conflicts

  • Julian asked about https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/pull/4659 going into 3.11.1 – definitely can