
Five members were present: Cian (@cianoc), Nathan (@snappizz), Brian (@brianlheim), Alberto (@adcxyz), and Jack (@jarmitage)

Recent work:

  • Brian: travisCI, unit testing, organizational documentation

  • Nathan: Debian packaging

  • James: interested in helping out (currently mainly a user)

  • Alberto: multi-client ID PR

  • Cian: fixing help files, potential Ableton Link support in 2-3 upcoming PRs

Topics of discussion: multi-client ID PR:

  • Alberto has raised new issues on GitHub to target specific design problems that arose in the PR

  • He plans to rework #3106 (the current PR) into a few smaller PRs to avoid stagnation

  • We talked about whether to put it in 3.9 or 3.10, and agreed that some of it should definitely go in 3.9 (see discussion below)

Suggestions from Cian:

  • improve documentation for new supercollider users (coming from i.e. Ableton)

  • add a UGen overview

  • add a Quark overview

3.9 critical todos:

  • block allocators portion of multi-client ID fix

  • sendNotifyRequest extension of multi-client ID fix

  • after that, release! OK to push a beta without full Linux packaging

  • continue to work on Linux packaging, hoping to have a good release

Adding UnitTest and test suite in common:

  • Nathan pointed out there are issues with the UnitTest class that should be worked on

  • We discussed (and tentatively agreed on) putting the test suite in the main class library

  • This would be aided by adding a helpfile for unit tests documenting how to disable unit tests if desired

Thanks to all who attended! The next meeting has been set for September 16, 2017, at 16:00 UTC (12p EST).