
Members present: Brian, Bruno, Geoffroy, Nathan, Patrick

Geoffroy and Bruno introduced themselves.

3.10 is all set for release on Saturday (Nov 24). 3.10.1 should be released 1-2 weeks after. #4010 (QtWebEngine) is the priority but not blocking. Nathan has offered to work on it.

#4139 (floating point compile string) can be fixed this week.

#4132 (starting sclang as a systemd service) is more of an issue with systemd.

Confirmed legitimacy of #4133 (split window can crash IDE).

Geoffroy offered to work on redesigning the website. We agreed that it’s much easier to just start from scratch.

Bruno is interested in doing GSoC work for SuperCollider. We will wait for the survey to make a decision on how he can best help the project.

New tutorials are chugging along, slowly…

Patrick brought up ways we could improve performance for embedded Linux – particularly denormal issues on ARM processors.

Nathan discussed how the BEQSuite could be replaced with a faster and more numerically stable set of EQ ugens using state variable filters.

We discussed the future of sc3-plugins. Should we get rid of the trash and slim it down to an “incubator” for core ugens? Should we introduce the incubator as a new repository? Or should we let things be?