
Members Present: Brian, Luke, Nathan, Patrick, Scott C

We reviewed the remaining to-do tasks for 3.10:

  • Linux SCIDE theme – Luke has decided to look into it

  • KDE FileDialog issue

  • Scrollbar issue delisted for 3.10

  • SerialPort is 99% ready, but RPi and Windows tests are a good idea.

  • Help browser code evaluation bugs (#3777, #3829)

  • Scrolling userview with non-integer device pixel ratios

  • Ableton Link PR has stalled despite attempts in the past month to revive it. There are current disagreements about latency issues.

    • Arguments for inclusion in 3.10: we promised it, and it’s okay to merge an imperfect feature and fix it later

    • Arguments for exclusion in 3.10: we’ve already done a lot for 3.10 and it’s not a mortal sin to wait another release

Overall, we’ve been doing well! We hit 2000 stars on github and we’re closing a dozen pull requests each week. We could be improving ways to help new contributors find the best way to have a good impact on the project. The “good first issue” label helps. We could also be making good use of the Projects feature to map out the next 2 or 3 releases and give a good idea of what to work on.

How do we chip away at 600 open issues (only 200 of which are tagged as bugs)?

  • An extreme solution would be “bug bankruptcy:” closing ALL bugs except things currently being worked on. If a bug really is important, users will ask the issue to be reopened. Too radical right here and right now.

  • Establish limits on the number of open issues?

Experienced developers working on and discussing small issues isn’t necessarily optimal. If someone files an issue, someone more experienced can point them to a fix.

We haven’t really worked out a process for giving push access to new contributors.

We’ve reached a point where we have some PRs we don’t want in 3.10, so it’s time to make a 3.10 branch.

Scott got some emails back from 3rd-party devs of SC-adjacent software, and for a dev meeting in the near future, we will be inviting some of them.

In addition, we should also get talking with the user base a bit more about the long-term direction of the project, perhaps with a new survey, to help close the gap between what many users want and what developers are working on.

We discussed some fantastical ideas about GPU SuperCollider and VST integration.