Procedure and templates

Some message templates and reminders for how we do dev meetings. Edit at will.

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#### Table of contents

- [Scheduling checklist](#scheduling-checklist)
- [Conducting meetings](#conducting-meetings)
- [Templates](#templates)
   * [Poll](#poll)
   * [Announce](#announce)
   * [Minutes](#minutes)

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# Scheduling checklist

The announcements should be posted on Slack, and scsynth forum.
- [ ] send out a poll early in the week (Tuesday or Wednesday): [time polls on scsynth forum](
- [ ] announce the time (Thursday or Friday): [schedule announcements on scsynth forum](
- [ ] post minutes ASAP after the meeting: **Always post minutes, even if uneventful.**: [minutes on scsynth forum](, [[Development meetings: minutes]]

# Conducting meetings

Make sure someone takes minutes! (Also mute your mic when typing so it doesn't disturb conversation.)

If there are any people new to the dev meetings, give them a warm welcome and have them introduce themselves, ask what they do with SC, etc.

Typically (unless there is something more pressing) we kick off by having everyone summarize what they did in the past week of development, and see if that sparks any discussions.

Meetings are **90 minutes long**. Be respectful of people's time and try not to go over that!

# Templates

## Poll

SUBJECT: sc-dev Meeting Time Poll

Hey all,

Here’s a meeting time poll for the next developer meeting. Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi. No registration is required to join.


Regards, UR_NAME

## Announce

SUBJECT: sc-dev Meeting WHEN_IS_IT

Hey all,

The next developer meeting will be on DAY_O_WEEK, MONTH DAY, at UTC_TIME UTC (= EST_TIME US Eastern = PST_TIME US Pacific). The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

Topics to discuss include TOPICS, and recent issues and pull requests. Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi. No registration is required to join.



## Minutes

SUBJECT: sc-dev Meeting Minutes Hey all,

Thanks to everyone who attended the sc-dev meeting! Minutes of the meeting are below. You can find archived minutes from all our meetings on our GitHub wiki page:

The next meeting is planned for the weekend of WEEKEND_DATES. A meeting time poll will be sent out early in the week. If you’d like to attend but our usual meeting times aren’t good for you, respond to this thread or email me privately and we’ll try to work something out! We are always interested in getting new people involved in the development community.



3.11.1 Release board:

Future Release Board: