
Members Present:

Patrick, Nathan

Recent work:

  • Patrick has been removing some old crap on the website

  • Nathan has been refactoring the new reverb for efficiency


  • 3.9.1 announcement delay

  • Recent advances in Debian packaging

  • Timing of introduction of scel and Ableton Link submodules

  • 3.9.2 release date moved to March 3rd

  • Two Rest-related issues for 3.9.2

  • Some issues tagged as 3.9.2 have been moved back to 3.9.x since nobody is actively working on them

  • Refactoring scsynth to improve the API, advantages and disadvantages of moving to modern C++ practices

  • Timing of the creation of 3.10 branch (in my opinion, creation of the 3.10 branch indicates that it is closed for new features)