Miscellaneous project information

S3 Build Hosting

Builds of all commits to branches on the main project repository are uploaded to Amazon’s S3 hosting service. This means that commits in Pull Requests are often not uploaded, which is the case if they originate from other respositories (i.e. forks). These builds are available for macOS, Windows x86, and Windows x86-64. To download the latest build of a branch named topic/foo, the URLs are of the form:

  • http://supercollider.s3.amazonaws.com/builds/supercollider/supercollider/osx/topic/foo-latest.html

  • http://supercollider.s3.amazonaws.com/builds/supercollider/supercollider/win32/topicfoo-latest.html

  • http://supercollider.s3.amazonaws.com/builds/supercollider/supercollider/win64/topicfoo-latest.html

Note that for the Windows builds only, the branch name is stripped of forward slashes.

To find a build for a specific commit (assuming it exists), use the full SHA hash of the commit. For example, the binaries for commit 8c3563a8065cb623087f267dfe50e228224a4572 are at:

  • http://supercollider.s3.amazonaws.com/builds/supercollider/supercollider/osx/SC-8c3563a8065cb623087f267dfe50e228224a4572.zip

  • http://supercollider.s3.amazonaws.com/builds/supercollider/supercollider/win32/SC-Windows-x86-8c3563a8065cb623087f267dfe50e228224a4572.zip

  • http://supercollider.s3.amazonaws.com/builds/supercollider/supercollider/win64/SC-Windows-x64-8c3563a8065cb623087f267dfe50e228224a4572.zip

A build for a specific commit may not always be available: for instance, if the build was cancelled early or failed to complete.

Boost Update Script

Location: external_libraries/extract_boost.sh, external_libraries/boost_sc_changes.patch


Update Boost libraries packaged with SuperCollider, and apply the SuperCollider organization’s patches for Boost.


Should be run as soon as possible after a new release of Boost. See instructions in external_libraries/README_BOOST.md for more information.



Render all schelp documents to HTML to check for warnings and errors.


During configuration, pass -DSC_DOC_RENDER=ON to CMake. This provides a target called doc which can be built to render all schelp documents:

cmake .. -DSC_DOC_RENDER=ON # <other options>
cmake --build . --target doc

Changelog-to-schelp script

Location: https://gist.github.com/brianlheim/443ae188dee8f7a85e7f34c04cc66d2b


Converts a changelog in markdown format into schelp format. A little extra work required but saves a lot of tedium. See script for usage.

sclang Lexer, Parser, & Compiler Regression Test Suite


qpm Test Runner

qpm is a Python-based Quarks package manager and test runner for SuperCollider. It is used by our CI services to run the SuperCollider-based test suite. See https://github.com/supercollider/qpm for more information.