Undocumented classes and methods¶
Open issue for undocumented classes: #2434.
Open issue for undocumented methods: #2692.
Keep this list as updated as possible with info about when classes have been documented, deprecated, or deleted. If you plan to work on something, it would also be nice to leave a “checkout” note.
Important Undocumented Methods¶
There are way too many undocumented methods, so this list is only for methods that really need it.
Notation: Class:-methodname
for instance methods; Class:*methodname
for class methods.
[ ] Array:-pyramid
[ ] Array:-pyramidg (#2691)
[ ] NetAddr:*useDoubles
[ ] NetAddr:-sendRaw
[ ] Integer:-exit
[ ] SequenceableCollection:+++
Undocumented Classes¶
[ ] APF
[ ] AbstractGroup
[ ] AbstractMDPlugin
[ ] AbstractNodeWatcher
[ ] AbstractOpPlug
[ ] AbstractPlayControl
[ ] AbstractScroll
[ ] AbstractStepValue
[ ] AudioControl
[ ] BasicNodeWatcher
[ ] BinaryOpFailureError
[ ] BinaryOpFunctionProxy
[ ] BinaryOpPlug
[ ] BinaryOpXStream
[ ] BlankGridLines
[ ] BlockSize
[ ] BundleNetAddr
[ ] BusScopeSynth
[ ] ClassBrowser
[ ] ClassInspector
[ ] CleanupStream
[ ] ClearBuf
[ ] CollStream
[ ] ContiguousBlock
[ ] CosineWarp
[ ] CurveWarp
[ ] DUGen
[ ] DbFaderWarp
[ ] DebugFrame
[ ] Decorator
[ ] DeprecatedError
[ ] DoesNotUnderstandError
[x] Donce - deprecated (#2562)
[ ] DragView
[ ] DrawGridX
[ ] DrawGridY
[ ] EZControlSpecEditor
[ ] EmbedOnce
[ ] EventTypesWithCleanup
[ ] ExponentialWarp
[ ] FaderWarp
[ ] Finalizer
[ ] FlowViewLayout
[ ] FrameInspector
[ ] FreqScopeWindow
[ ] FuncStream
[ ] FuncStreamAsRoutine
[ ] FunctionDefInspector
[ ] GraphBuilder
[ ] HIDDeviceDispatcher
[ ] HIDElementDispatcher
[ ] HIDElementProtoDispatcher
[ ] HIDFuncDeviceProtoMatcher
[ ] HIDFuncElementProtoMatcher
[ ] HIDRawValueMatcher
[ ] HIDUsageDispatcher
[ ] HIDValueMatcher
[ ] Help
[ ] IOStream
[ ] ImmutableError
[ ] Inspector
[ ] InterplChord
[ ] ItemViewBase
[ ] LIDAbsInfo
[ ] LIDAbsSlot
[ ] LIDKeySlot
[ ] LIDLedSlot
[ ] LIDMscSlot
[ ] LIDRelSlot
[ ] LRUNumberAllocator
[ ] LimitedWriteStream
[ ] LinearWarp
[ ] LinuxPlatform
[ ] ListDUGen
[ ] MIDIEndPoint
[ ] MIDIEvent
[ ] MIDIFuncSrcSysMessageMatcher
[ ] MIDIFuncSrcSysMessageMatcherND
[ ] MIDIMTCtoSMPTEDispatcher
[ ] MIDISMPTEAssembler
[ ] MIDISysDataDispatcher
[ ] MIDISysDataDropIndDispatcher
[ ] MIDISysNoDataDispatcher
[ ] MIDISysexDispatcher
[ ] MIDIValueMatcher
[ ] MethodError
[ ] MethodInspector
[ ] MethodOverride
[ ] MethodQuote
[ ] MixedBundle
[ ] Module
[ ] MustBeBooleanError
[ ] NAryOpFunctionProxy
[ ] NAryValueProxy
[ ] NodeID
[ ] NodeIDAllocator
[ ] NotYetImplementedError
[ ] NotificationRegistration
[ ] OSCMultiResponder
[ ] OSCpathDispatcher
[ ] ObjectInspector
[ ] OneShotStream
[ ] OutOfContextReturnError
[ ] PAbstractGroup
[ ] PatternControl
[ ] PauseSelfWhenDone
[ ] PauseStream
[ ] Pclump
[ ] Pdiff
[ ] Pdrop
[ ] Penv
[ ] Peventmod
[ ] PfadeIn
[ ] PfadeOut
[ ] PfinQuant
[ ] Pflatten
[ ] Pfpar
[ ] Pget
[ ] Pgtpar
[ ] Plag
[ ] Plet
[ ] Plot
[ ] PlusFreqScope
[ ] PlusFreqScopeView
[ ] PlusFreqScopeWindow
[ ] PmonoArticStream
[ ] PmonoStream
[ ] Pnsym1
[ ] PointArray
[ ] PowerOfTwoAllocator
[ ] PowerOfTwoBlock
[ ] Pplayer
[ ] Pretty
[ ] PrettyEat
[ ] PrettyEcho
[ ] PrettyState
[ ] PrimitiveFailedError
[ ] Proutine
[ ] Pstep2add
[ ] Pstep3add
[ ] Pstretch
[ ] Pstretchp
[ ] Psym1
[ ] Ptrace
[ ] Ptsym
[ ] PureMultiOutUGen
[ ] QAbstractScroll
[ ] QAbstractStepValue
[ ] QAlignment
[ ] QButton
[ ] QCheckBox
[ ] QColorGroup
[ ] QColorRole
[ ] QCurve
[ ] QDialog
[ ] QDragBoth
[ ] QDragSink
[ ] QDragSource
[ ] QDragView
[ ] QEnvelopeView
[ ] QFileDialog
[ ] QFont
[ ] QGridLayout
[ ] QHLayout
[ ] QHLayoutView
[ ] QImage
[ ] QItemViewBase
[ ] QKey
[ ] QKeyModifiers
[ ] QKnob
[ ] QLayout
[ ] QLevelIndicator
[ ] QLevelIndicatorStyle
[ ] QLimits
[ ] QLineLayout
[ ] QListView
[ ] QMetaObject
[ ] QMultiSliderView
[ ] QNumberBox
[ ] QObject
[ ] QOrientation
[ ] QPen
[ ] QPopUpMenu
[ ] QQuartzComposerView
[ ] QRangeSlider
[ ] QScope
[ ] QScope2
[ ] QScrollCanvas
[ ] QScrollTopView
[ ] QScrollView
[ ] QSlider
[ ] QSlider2D
[ ] QSoundFileView
[ ] QStackLayout
[ ] QStaticText
[ ] QStethoscope
[ ] QTextField
[ ] QTextView
[ ] QTextViewBase
[ ] QTopScrollWidget
[ ] QTopView
[ ] QTreeView
[ ] QTreeViewItem
[ ] QUserView
[ ] QVLayout
[ ] QVLayoutView
[ ] QView
[ ] QWebFontFamily
[ ] QWebView
[ ] QWindow
[ ] QtGUI
[ ] QuarkDetailView
[ ] QuarkRowView
[ ] QuarksGui
[ ] Range
[ ] RingBuffer
[ ] RingNumberAllocator
[ ] SCScope
[ ] SCVim
[ ] ScaleAD
[ ] ScaleInfo
[ ] ScaleStream
[ ] Scope2
[ ] ScopeBuffer
[ ] ScopeOut
[ ] ScopeOut2
[ ] ScoreStreamPlayer
[ ] ScrollCanvas
[ ] ScrollTopView
[ ] ServerShmInterface
[ ] ServerStatusWatcher
[ ] SetBuf
[ ] ShouldNotImplementError
[ ] SineWarp
[ ] Size
[ ] SlotInspector
[ ] Spawner
[ ] StackNumberAllocator
[ ] StreamControl
[ ] StringGui
[ ] StringInspector
[ ] SubclassResponsibilityError
[ ] SynthControl
[ ] SynthDefControl
[ ] SynthDefOld
[ ] SystemSynthDefs
[ ] TaskProxyAllGui
[ ] TestDependant
[ ] TextArchiveMDPlugin
[ ] TextViewBase
[ ] TopScrollWidget
[ ] TopView
[ ] TrigControl
[ ] TuningInfo
[ ] UGenThunk
[ ] URI
[ ] UnaryOpFunctionProxy
[ ] UnaryOpPlug
[ ] Unix
[ ] UnixPlatform
[ ] VolumeGui
[x] Watcher - deprecated by #2700
[ ] WidthFirstUGen
[x] WiiCalibrationInfo - deprecated by #2698
[x] WiiMoteGUI - deprecated by #2697
[x] WiiMoteIRObject - deprecated by #2698
[x] WiiNunchukGUI - deprecated by #2697
[x] WiiRemoteGUI - deprecated by #2697