Translating the IDE

Adding translations for the IDE is very helpful and makes SC easier to use for people whose first language is not English. To contribute translations, you will need the following:

Updating translation files

Before starting to make translations, you can optionally make sure the translation file you’ll be working on is up to date with the source code. This is a good thing to do if you have the time.

To update translation files for the IDE, you’ll first need to find Qt Linguist’s lupdate program where it was installed, and then execute the following command from the root of the repo:

/path/to/lupdate editors/sc-ide -ts editors/sc-ide/translations/<file>

where <file> is the translation file you want to update. All the translation files are in editors/sc-ide/translations.

You can also update all translation files at once by having lupdate in your PATH and building the update_ide_translations build target.

Adding IDE translations

Use Qt Linguist to update the .ts files in editors/sc-ide/translations. Complete instructions for using Qt Linguist can be found on Qt’s website.

Adding a new translation language

If you can’t find the language you want to add translations for, first make sure you have lupdate and Qt Linguist, then:

  1. Determine its two-letter language code.

  2. Add a new filename for it in editors/sc-ide/CMakeLists.txt, in the section marked # Translation files.

  3. Re-run the CMake generation phase (in your build directory, execute cmake ..)

  4. Build the update_ide_translations CMake target to generate a .ts file

  5. Add translations using Qt Linguist.

Testing translations


Submitting translations

When you’re ready to contribute your translations back to the project, follow the instructions for creating a pull request. Thanks!!