How to contribute

Thanks for your interest in helping make SuperCollider sound even better! 🙏

If you’re new to this project, you might be wondering …

How can I contribute?

SC grows through contributions large and small. Many, or even most, contributions don’t involve writing code. Here are some of the many ways to contribute:

You’ll find information on all of these topics and more in the Contributing directory. Once you’re familiar with these processes, you may have more want more in-depth information about the project structure, conventions, specifications, etc., which you’ll find in the Development resources directory.

If you’re new to contributing to open source projects, the Guide to idiomatic contributing has a lot of useful information.

If you’re new to this project, check out the issues tagged “good first issue” – fixing one of these is a great way to get started as a contributor!

Please read our adopted 🤝 Code of conduct 🤝 before contributing, so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.