Contribute ========== This document will guide you through the necessary setup and conventions on order to contribute to this project. Jupyter notebook conventions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The versioning of Jupyter Notebooks is not the greatest as for example the execution count of each cell is stored in the notebook. We will use an automatic tool called *pre-commit* to clean the notebook of any unnecessary content (see :ref:`pre-commit-setup`). Also storing binary blobs such as images can lead to a big repository soon - so if we decide to include such blobs it is best to make the generation of these as stateless as possible. To achieve this one can use tools such as `setting the random seed `__ to make any randomness deterministic. .. _pre-commit-setup: pre-commit ^^^^^^^^^^ `pre-commit `__ allows us to run certain checks before a commit is made, so much like `git hooks `__ but configurable through a ``.pre-commit-config.yaml`` file. This gives us the ability to e.g. clean the notebooks of the execution count of each cell as this can lead to lot of noise in the VCS. *pre-commit* is already installed as a dependency (see :ref:`Installing dependencies`), but in order to activate it we need to install the necessary hooks to our git repository by running .. code-block:: shell pre-commit install After this just use your normal git workflow - keep in mind that *pre-commit* can prevent you from committing files because *pre-commit* found an issue with them - most often *pre-commit* will automatically try to fix the issue and you need to stage this changes to your commit after which the commit should work without issues. Building the documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order to build the documentation locally one also needs to install the dependencies of the documentation by executing the following command in the root directory of the repository (see :ref:`Repository setup`) and activating the virtual environment (see :ref:`virtualenv-activate`). .. code-block:: shell pip3 install -r requirements-docs.txt After this the documentation can be build by executing the shell script .. code-block:: shell ./ from the root directory of the repository. .. admonition:: Convention If you want to open the documentation in a browser after it has been build you can set the environment variable .. code-block:: shell export OPEN_BROWSER_AFTER_TEST=true when using the ``./`` script. Remember that this has to be set every time you open a shell or you add it to your ``~/.zshrc`` or else.